We left Crane Prairie for the River Mountain Resort in Idanha, Oregon. This is about halfway between Bend and Salem, Oregon. The weather was off-and-on rainstorms and we even encountered some hail just short of Bend. Temps were in the low 30s when we got up this morning.

The roads were quite good getting to Idanha, but the turn into Idanha was a little dicey. We crossed a bridge over the North Santian River to enter the town of about 134 people. The road to the RV Park had been dug up for a new pipeline and was quite narrow. We made it in, but it was a hair-raising experience. It seems that this town has been considering "un-incorporating" as a town'; not much here anymore. At one time it had as many as 400 inhabitants, but no more.

We are the only transients at this site. There are two or three other "more permanent" campers. The middle of the week and the cold, wet weather has shied many away.

We have traveled just over 3,400 miles on this trip so far. This includes all out side trips without The Beast.