Thursday, June 23, 2022 - We drive for seven hours and reach the Triple G RV Park in Fort Nelson, BC. We started with overcast that turned into rain for about half of the drive and then it began to clear. Pretty nice weather when we arrived in Fort Nelson.

Several caravans of RVs heading for Alaska at this campground, but we were able to get a reservation without any trouble. The RV parks in this area are glad to have customers back with cash in their hands. They are very accommodating. I washed the RV before leaving Edmonton, and it is now a dirty mess again. Hard to keep clean with all the dirt on the roads and rain to boot.

We drove into Fort Nelson to fill up the diesel tanks on the truck. We are way out of the way and the cost of the diesel was $2.19 per liter. This worked out to $8.32 per gallon. Luckily, that is in Canadian dollars. After conversion to U.S. dollars, the cost per gallon was $6.24 per gallon. Luckily, I did not need that many gallons. Fuel costs are really getting crazy, but it is a cost of doing business for us as full-RVers.

While at the gas station, we noticed that a small parade was taking place. It was a celebration for the senior class at the local high school. The grads were riding on the trailers of two huge 18-wheelers that are used to carry heavy equipment. Three were about 20 grads on each big truck/trailer combination. They drove down the main street with horns blaring and parents watching from the sidewalks. This is a very small town with a population of just 1,500 people. Really a cute activity for the grads who were all decked out in ball gowns and the guys in suits.

In Fort Nelson, we went for walk down the main street of the town. It is basically right along Highway 97, the Alaska Highway. As it got to be a little later in the evening, we began to get our first attacks of mosquitoes. There were quite a few of them around us when we arrived back at our RV. We also has some in the bedroom when we were trying to "hit the hay" causing us to get out some electronic bug zappers to eradicate the problem.

Friday, June 24, 2022 - After breakfast, we prepped the RV for departure and headed out for Muncho Lake that is located just short of Fort Watson, BC. Supposed to be a beautiful lake for kayaking, so we plan to give it a try.